Before speaking daily affirmations, I truly was unaware of the constant negativity that was the background chatter of my life. I didn’t say anything that was particularly harsh. Still, the undercurrent of my thoughts and words was a constant drag on my overall self-esteem and self-confidence.
Since speaking my daily affirmations, I am aware of negative self-talk and cut it off before it takes over. And I have seen changes in my own behavior and attitude. These changes have influenced how I treat others, what I accept from people, and how people interact with and respond to me. It really is awesome!
Here are some of my daily affirmations that I speak each morning during my devotional time. The power of these words has been transformative and restorative. I feel different on the inside and can see the effects in my life.
Daily Affirmations Give Me Strength
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
How many times do you hear yourself say “I can’t?” I wasn’t even aware that I said I can’t as often as I did. “I can’t find my way out of a paper bag because my sense of direction is so horrible.” “I can’t learn all this stuff that I need to know to start a blog.” “I can’t understand how to build a website.” “I can’t sing.”
The crazy thing about all my “I can’t” statements is that if I had examined them, I would have realized that evidence proved them to be lies. I have never been unable to find a destination—made a few wrong turns but always ended up where I intended to go. I can learn about starting and building a blog. In fact, I have started a blog—this blog—and am learning more daily about running a successful blog. I have built three websites all on my own using Google and YouTube while crying my way through sometimes. But I did it. I can’t sing—well that’s just true. Although, on occasion, I’ll belt out a tune—when no one is within ten miles—and I am surprised that I don’t sound like Mumble from the movie Happy Feet. So one day…
Since speaking this as one of my daily affirmations, “I can’t” statements sound harsh to my ears. And the Spirit within me speaks up and reminds me that the reason that “I can” is because “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” And therefore, there isn’t anything that I can’t do. If it’s doable, and if it’s the will of God, I can do it.
Daily Affirmations Have Removed Fear
I am not afraid of anything or anyone. God’s perfect love triumphs over fear. God did not give me a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-discipline (sound mind, self-control). 2 Timothy 1:7
I was once asked what I was afraid of. My superficial response was, “Nothing much.” I am not afraid of bugs, the dark, talking to strangers. I’ll try new foods. I can speak in public.
I sat back in self-satisfaction. But then I heard the Spirit whisper, “That’s a lie.”
What?! How?!
And then events in my life started playing before my mind’s eye: I painted for years and hid everything away before anyone could see it because I was afraid that no one would like my art. I made jewelry and shoved it in drawers. Showing anything about my gifts and talents made me feel exposed and vulnerable. And I hid because I was afraid.
But now, God’s perfect love truly has triumphed over my fears. I am writing this blog. I am creating art and sharing it with the world. I am making jewelry and posting photos. I am eager to share my gifts and talents to glorify God.
God even spoke the words “Fear not my child” to me one morning as I was waking up. Then, I heard words to a song that I had never heard before. When I googled the lyrics, I found “Fear Not My Child” by Carman. I had never heard this song before nor had I heard of the artist. I found the song on YouTube and it has become my anthem. The words to the song were so on point that I KNEW that God truly had spoken and that I am to “fear not” because He is with me always. You can listen to the song here.
Daily Affirmations Boost My Self-Esteem
I am beautiful. No longer will I look at myself and be critical.
My inner voice was critical of my physical appearance from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. My husband once told me that if I truly looked the way I described myself, I’d be the human equivalent of a duck-billed platypus.
I do not use this affirmation for the sake of vanity. [bctt tweet=”The woman in the mirror deserves to be spoken to with kindness. She needs to be built up and not torn down. She needs to be looked in the eyes each day and smiled at and appreciated and accepted.” username=”@buildalliance”]
Daily Affirmations Have Released Me to Love
I love me. I am liked and likable. I am loved and lovable. I like and love myself. I like and love others. And other people like and love me.
The enemy had me in his crosshairs on this one. Sometimes, I believed that only my mother loved me because she had to. It wasn’t that I thought that I didn’t deserve to be loved or that I thought I had a bad personality. I just didn’t embrace the fact that it is not only okay to love myself, but it is required. This is straight from the word of God: Leviticus 19:18 “…love your neighbor as yourself.” To love anyone else, I must love me too.
I had an AHA! moment when I wrote this:
Daily Affirmations Remind Me of God’s Blessings
I have a blessed life: full of love, prosperity, peace, joy, faith, hope. God has blessed my life in every way.
I speak these words because they remind me of Jeremiah 29:11-13: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart…”
Focusing on God in praise has changed the way that I pray. He is a God of love and compassion, who desires to do good for His children. God promises a life full of blessings when we turn to Him and have faith. I now find myself joyful before Him when I pray because I know that He knows what is going on in my life. He knows how to do what needs to be done. And simply, He loves me.
I seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and I know that He will bless my life according to the plans that He has for me.
The Power of Daily Affirmations
Using daily affirmations can change your life. Moses said to the Israelites in Deuteronomy 30:19-20 “…I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to His voice and hold fast to Him.” I choose life. I choose blessings. I choose to listen to God who speaks truth and love and life in and to me. This is the ultimate advantage of knowing that the power of life and death is in the tongue. That’s the power of daily affirmations.
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