She serves a cake to her loved ones that is based on a family recipe that she never changes. She never adds ingredients. None are omitted or substituted. And there are no embellishments to mar the simple beauty of the cake’s golden-brown perfection.
G-Mama teaches her family about the cake’s legacy: It is a reminder to remain faithful to God’s Word. She tells them that just as the cake’s recipe should never be changed, God’s Word should not be changed either. Some members of the family embrace this truth and take to heart her teaching; others rebel. But G-Mama lets them know that God will designate a Chosen One from the family who will remain faithful to both the cake recipe and His Word.
Who will stay true to the original cake recipe? Who will change the cake because they like the taste of their own cake better? And who will be the Chosen One to make the cake in faithfulness to the original recipe?
The Vision of Parable of the Cake
The story for Parable of the Cake was given to me in a dream. In the dream, I saw a woman going through the belongings of a beloved family member who had passed. She grieved as she pulled items out of boxes to take inventory.
In one of the boxes, she came across a handwritten recipe card. The card was entitled “Grandmama’s Pound Cake.” The recipe card was very old, but the writing was still legible. The woman studied the recipe. And as she did so, she recalled the many cakes that she had eaten over the years at family gatherings.
Every time that someone in her family baked a cake, they claimed that they had used the family recipe. However, it baffled her that not one of the cakes was the same as another.
Some cakes were slathered in icing or fruit toppings. There were cakes with extra spices added to them. Each person’s cake was different. But they all tasted good in their own way so it was no big deal that they were different. Except that each family group claimed to have used the same cake recipe.
As the woman reminisced, she recalled how the cakes that had been baked in this house were superior to all the others. Every time that she had eaten this loved one’s cake, she would declare that this cake was the best cake that she had ever tasted. Hands down.
Parable of the Cake and God’s Word
God used the dream to teach me that His Word is like that cake recipe. His Word is pure and perfect. And nothing should ever be added to it or taken from it. Nor should there be any embellishments.
As I lay there after the dream had ended, I realized that God had just given me a revelation: He serves the same truth of His Word to all people regardless of who they are or where they are from. His Word does not change. And if people could receive His Word in its purity and perfection, there would be no religions or religious denominations/divisions. Believers would be unified under one truth and fed the same Word.
Supernaturally, God has provided a way for mankind to receive and accept His Word just as He serves it. In the natural world, people cannot accept His Word as truth. But when God gives His children His Holy Spirit, they are then able to accept and understand His Word. God’s Son Yeshua will teach His Father’s truth, and God’s children who are born of His Spirit will be able to receive that truth.
Parable of the Cake is for the Children of God
Parable of the Cake, Remaining Faithful to God’s Word is a call to His children to follow His recipe, the truth, wisdom, and knowledge that He serves in biblical scripture.
This book is an invitation to enter a delightful relationship with God, our Father. He wants to serve His family food that they can only get from Him. And He wants His children to not only continue in His truth but also past it down to the next generation.
Enjoy more servings of Parable of the Cake:
If you like your truth served in its simplest, most beautiful form, then you will enjoy every slice of Parable of the Cake.
Power of Prayer: Parable of the Cake
Agape Love: Parable of the Cake
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