You are a Christian creative and you want to live the life of your dreams. You want to have the freedom to create art, write, sing, dance—whatever your creative expression is. And you want to combine your passion and purpose with the practical need to earn a living. In other words, you would love to do work that you love, but you want to eat and pay your bills too.
I get it. Believe me I do.
As an artist who has dabbled all my life and given most of what I created away, I never really considered how I could be a working artist rather than just a recreational one. But over the last few years, the desire in my heart changed. I could no longer be satisfied with just earning a paycheck while doing work that left me drained and unfulfilled. I realized that I could not continue to work for other people and give them the best of my talents and time. It’s no longer acceptable to fulfill someone else’s dreams while my dreams lay dormant. I want and need to live my life to glorify God with the gifts and talents that He has given me.
Don’t die with your music still in you.
I love that quote by Wayne Dyer. So I say that to you: Don’t die with your music still in you. Don’t leave this earth without letting the world hear the beautiful symphony that is yours to share. Let your light shine. And get ready to offer the gifts and talents that God gave you to glorify Him and share them with the world. God will work with you, through you, and for you to fulfill your dreams.
If you trust God with your dreams, He will make them your reality.
Psalm 37:4 says: “Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
1 John 3:21,22 says: “Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from Him anything we ask because we keep His commands and do what pleases Him.”
Now combine Psalm 37:4 with 1 John 3:21,22: If you delight yourself in the LORD and your heart does not condemn you, you can have confidence before God that you will receive from Him the desires of your heart.
This is twofold: If you make God the focus and purpose of your life and take pleasure in Him, He will set your heart’s desire in alignment with His will. And His will is to bless you. This desire of your heart flows both ways, from God to you and from you to God.
Are you ready to trust God? Are you ready to put your dreams ahead of your fears? Believe that God can take your gifts and talents and use them in ways that you cannot imagine. And when you release everything to God, He will set you free to become all that He created you to be.
Beloved, it’s time to trust God. It’s time to let go.