Writing the Parable of the Cake was like feasting on the Word of God. The Holy Spirit kept feeding me scripture and prayers and insight. And as I wrote, questions formed:
What would happen if we read the Bible and only had God’s Spirit teaching and guiding us?
What if we were not divided along the lines of religious, national, ethnic and cultural denominations?
If we truly relied on God’s Holy Spirit to inform our beliefs and actions, would we accept doctrines or traditions that are not found in scripture?
These are some of the questions that stirred in me as I wrote this book.
Hungry for the Word of God: His Truth Satisfies
The Parable of the Cake is an allegory about the truth, perfection and beauty of scripture, God’s Word. God satisfies our hunger for His Word by giving us His Holy Spirit that feeds us His Truth.
All scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16). Scripture is the living, eternal Word of God. And His Word is to be treated with honor and reverence. God’s Word is perfect; there should never be an attempt to change it in any way.
In writing Parable of the Cake, I wanted to remain faithful to the Word of God. And He delivered revelation by scripture throughout this project. I loved writing this book because I felt the Spirit of God move as I wrote and prayed, prayed and wrote. And I heard God speak and reveal so many truths. He made His Word come alive; He breathed life into this work.
And I fell in love with G-Mama and Lauren and the people in the book. They became more than characters; they became my friends and family. I could hear their voices and feel their emotions. When they laughed, I laughed and when they cried, I cried. I truly felt my heart and soul respond to the prayers that were prayed. And the activity of the Holy Spirit was too real for this to merely be a work of fiction. God’s Spirit was active and moving and directly involved in the writing of this book.
Are you hungry for the Word of God? If so, you’ll love every bite of The Parable of the Cake.
Get some more servings of the Parable of the Cake:
Parable of the Cake – Remaining Faithful to God’s Word
Agape Love: Parable of the Cake
The Power of Prayer: Parable of the Cake
Soul Food: Parable of the Cake