But God is persistent, and my desire to please Him overwhelmed my self-doubt. So, I purchased a set of colored pencils off Amazon and proceeded to see what would happen. I must say that God is faithful. He guided me through the process of using this new-to-me medium and enabled me to create the image of the almond branch for this pendant.
Inspiration for Art through Scripture
I Am Watching Almond Branch Double-Sided Pendant Necklace is inspired by the words spoken by Jesus to the disciples. They were asking Him when he would return. Mark 13:37: “What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’”.
When I read this verse, it resonated with me. I felt the Holy Spirit telling me to delve deeper into the word “watch.” This led me to the book of Jeremiah where, during the prophet Jeremiah’s call by God, God asked him what he saw:
Jeremiah 1:11-12: The word of the Lord came to me: “What do you see, Jeremiah?”
“I see the branch of an almond tree,” I replied.
The Lord said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.”
I discovered in a footnote that the Hebrew word for watching sounds like the same word for almond branch. And that’s where the vision and inspiration for the art used to create this pendant was born.
As I was reading this, I was reminded of the golden lampstands that were created during the time of Moses when the tabernacle was constructed and again when the temple was built during King Solomon’s reign. The almond branch was used in the design of these lampstands. In both the tabernacle and temple, these lampstands were made to light the area directly in front of the Most Holy Place. In the Most Holy Place, the Ten Commandments were kept in the ark of the covenant. (See Exodus 27:21 and 1 Kings 7:49.)
Jesus, The Branch
There are mentions of the almond branch in biblical history and scripture regarding Messianic prophecies. These allude to or directly refer to Jesus as The Branch:
- Aaron’s staff produced buds, blossoms, and almonds to end the grumbling among the Israelites. The Israelites were challenging Aaron and Moses about who was chosen by God to serve in priesthood leadership. Numbers 17:8-11
- In John 6:43-46, though there is no mention of a branch, Jesus rebukes the Israelites, who were grumbling about His priesthood leadership. Jesus had just declared that He was the bread of life and the Son of God. He told the Israelites to stop grumbling among themselves because no one can come to Him unless His Father enables them.
- In Zechariah 3:8, a prophetic vision is given to the prophet Zechariah regarding the coming of the Messiah to whom God referred as His servant, The Branch.
- In Zechariah 6:12, Zechariah prophesies that a man called The Branch will build the temple of the LORD.
Lessons of the Almond Tree
As I researched this topic about the word “watch” and the meaning of the almond branch in scripture, I ran across this powerful reminder of how seriously God watches over His word. In a passage from an article entitled “The Lessons of the Almond Tree: A Reminder that God Is Watching Over Our Lives,” the author Juergen Buehler writes: “The lesson of the almond tree, therefore, is that God in heaven watches a sinful nation walking away from Him and declares it will have consequences. His message to humanity today is still the same: God is watching! He will watch over His word either for curse or for blessing. When sin and immorality engulf nations and even penetrate the Church, we should remember: God is watching! When nations assail Israel and seek to divide her land, we can be sure: God is watching!” Click here to read the full article.
The author Laura (no last name given) of the article “Lessons from the Almond Tree” delivered an inspirational take on how the passage from Jeremiah 1:1-12 impacted her life: “How many are waiting for their “suddenly’s” their “breakthroughs”? I am, and a few years back when the Lord gave me this Word I asked for a confirmation that He really was watching over His Word concerning specifics in my life. I asked Jesus to wake me up at 1:11 am and since I always sleep through the night I knew if it happened it would be God confirming this promise. Well of course, that night I suddenly opened my eyes and turned over to watch the clock turn exactly 1:11! I share this for everyone waiting for their fulfillment of a Word given by God. He is diligently watching over it, making sure it is fulfilled.” The full article can be read by clicking here.
A Jewel from the Heart of God
It fills me with awe each time I go on a journey of discovery through the word of God. It’s like a treasure hunt. And I am delighted with every precious jewel that gives me greater insight into His heart and mind. I am overjoyed and grateful to have received this revelation and inspiration for the art that was created for the I Am Watching Almond Branch Double-Sided Pendant Necklace. I hope that the possessor of this piece will feel a special awareness that God is watching over His word and her as well.
Feel free to check out my Etsy shop Walking on Water Studio for more of my designs.